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Meditation is the Key

Lots of people have asked me what the key was to me being able to find my gift of the ability to talk to those who have crossed over and I have to say it all started with Meditation. When I heard someone talk about a meditation class, I just knew I had to take it. Over a 6 week period, I learned all about energy and how to feel it and all of the ins and outs of starting a meditation practice. And I call it a "practice" because that's exactly what it is ... practice! I hear people say all the time that they don't know how to do it "right" or they don't know how to get started and my only answer would be ... JUST DO IT! There's no right or wrong way; there's not even one way to do it. It's just a matter of sitting quietly, focusing on your breath and seeing where it takes you. Yes - it is that simple!

I'm thinking about starting a meditation class to teach all of the basics that I learned that were so helpful to me. If you're interested in participating, let me know! Either send me an email at or call me at 905.822.2946.

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