More About Reiki:

As a Reiki Master, I am constantly delighted and surprised at the affect a Reiki treatment has over the well being of my clients and of myself. Each time I work with a client, they are pleased that I am able to pinpoint where their troubles are and all report that they’ve felt better long after the treatment has concluded. I am also amazed at the ability to reduce my own pain using the Reiki techniques on myself. Whether it’s a headache or a body pain, if I focus the Reiki energy for me, the pain is significantly reduced, if not eliminated entirely. I have found that I have been able to minimize the over-the-counter pain remedies that have been part of my life for so many years and on the whole, feel much healthier and more energetic. Do you wonder what Reiki could do for you?
Learning about Reiki and having a Reiki Attunement allows you to practice reiki for yourself or for others. Curious? Want to explore the healing for yourself? Email me at or call at 905.822.2946 to reserve your spot now. Class is limited to 5 participants and is filling up fast!