Hello everyone!
I hope you all had an amazing summer - I know I did! I had so much fun over the past few months and now it's time to get back to my groups. I'm excited to be starting our monthly circles up again. I have missed the interaction of like-minded folks and the exploration of all things Spiritual. I do hope you'll join us for this fun and inspiring meeting - reserve your spot early so you don't miss out!
For the fall and winter season, please note the change to the Enchanted Spiritual Development Circle day. It will be held on the first Tuesday of every month from 7 pm - 9:00 pm. We will have a meditation to ground us and explore what it means to connect with our inner selves. We will discuss a spiritual practice or topic and then have ample time to learn and practice your gifts. Whether it's Mediumship, Psychic reading, card reading, channeling, reiki, whatever! - this circle is open to everyone.
Don't know what your gifts are? Then come and explore all that Spirit has to offer in a safe, like-minded group. You never know what you might discover!
Register now to reserve your spot NOW! The fee for this event is $30. You can reserve your spot by registering at Meetup here: https://www.meetup.com/spirit-talks-spiritual-development-mediumship-circle/events/303080714/?slug=spirit-talks-spiritual-development-mediumship-circle&eventId=300998914&isFirstPublish=true , sending an etransfer to Sally@Spirit-Talks.ca or on my website at https://www.spirit-talks.ca/theenchanteddevelopmentcircle
I look forward to seeing you there and to watching you as you develop your own very special gifts!