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The Enchanted Spiritual Development Circle - Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Our Spiritual Development Circle is getting full fast! Will you be joining us? There's always room for more seekers!

Please join us for The Enchanted Spiritual Development Circle held on the last Tuesday of every month from 7 pm - 9:30 pm.

We will have a teaching of a spiritual practice or topic, a meditation and then ample time to develop and practice your gifts. Whether it's Mediumship, Psychic reading, card reading, channeling, reiki, whatever! - this circle is open to everyone.

Don't know what your gifts are? Then come and explore all that Spirit has to offer in a safe, like-minded group. You never know what you might discover!

Register now for the next session on the last Tuesday of every month. The fee for this event is $30 and you can reserve your spot by submitting your payment on my website at

Once the payment is received, I will email the address of the event to you.


I look forward to seeing you there and to watch as you develop your own very special gifts!


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